The Year In Review - Travels of John Mascaro
Page 31
January 2007
The below photo's are a photo journal for my website visitors to enjoy. I have been fortunate to have been able to travel from time to time and with each trip, I photograph turfgrass conditions that I encounter. I will continue this forum and add to the photo's (and of course soil profile samples) as I continue to travel from place to place.
This is 2007 Minnesota Green Expo that I was invited to speak at. The Expo is a combination of Golf Course, Sports Turf and Landscape programs. | Minnesota Green Expo even had exhibitors set up ponds with running water and also complete playground equipment. |
Being from Florida, I had to take some photos of the snow on the ground, even though there was only three inches in early January and it was melting fast! | The long dry winter of 2007 in Georgia, South Carolina and Florida brought many wild fires including this one I snapped a photograph of on Interstate-10. |
The Sports Turf Managers Show was in San Antonio Texas and despite the ice storm that rolled in the day before the conference began, the show went on. This is me in front of the Alamo. | The 2007 Sports Turf Managers Show in San Antonio Texas was cold enough to even allow ice to grow on the long horn steer. |
Even Ice found its way onto the local cactus, there is definitely something out of place here! | Despite the travel problems, the show was a huge success and even Ross Kurcab from the Denver Broncos was able to give a logo painting demonstration, although it had to be held indoors. |
This is the whole group of Major League Baseball and National Football League Groundskeepers that spoke at the seminar during the STMA Conference. | 2007 also brought the Superbowl to Dolphin Stadium, I went down and visited the field about a week before the game. |
The NFL Field Crew is hand picked by superbowl head grounds keeper George Toma and is comprised of Sports Turf Manager from the NFL and MLB volunteers from all over the country. | This is me in front of the Superbowl XLI Field at Dolphin Stadium in Miami Florida. Notice the short sleeve shirt in January, this must be why they have Superbowls in warm climates! |
This is Alan Sigwart and George Toma on the Field. Alan is Sports Turf Manager at Dolphin Stadium and George is SuperBowl Head Groundskeeper for the NFL. | This is the centerfield logo being painting on the Field in preparation for Superbowl XLI. |
Here is the Toma Shear Strength Tester being used on the Superbowl XLI field to test the shear strength of the newly installed sod. | The Shear strength shown on the turfgrass before the superbowl with 5/8 inch cleats installed on the Toma Shear Strength Tester is in a great range for footing before the game. |
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