Turf-Tec Toma Shear Strength Tester*
Unit includes 0-200 nm (Newton Meter) or 150 lbs wrench
Tests the turfs tear strength, tensile strength and resistance!
Also tests for the proper cleat selection
The new Turf-Tec Toma Shear Strength Tester is a specially
designed tool to test the stability of athletic field turfgrass root systems as
well as footing on artificial turf surfaces. In
addition, the Turf-Tec Toma Shear Strength Tester also tests the type of cleats
that will perform best in your particular turf grass root system, environment or
synthetic surface.
Knowing the correct cleat to play in will not only insure proper footing during
play, but will also reduce slipping and may also create a safer playing
environment for athletes.
The unique design of the new Turf-Tec Toma Shear Strength Tester allows the turf stability to be tested to insure the health of the root system directly on athletic fields. The Turf-Tec Toma Shear Strength Tester can also test different cleat designs and cleat depths to insure proper footing during play.
Never wonder again if your athletes are wearing the right cleats for the game!
Simply screw in the cleats or studs to be used during play and insert the tool into the soil. By simply pressing down and turning the tool until the turf fails, you can get a reading in foot pounds or Newton Meters as to the shear strength of the turf. Different cleat types and depths can be tested and compared to each other right on the playing field. This will insure the cleat choice is optimum for that field on that given day, regardless of field moisture, soil types, turf varieties or weather conditions. It is a excellent tool for high school sports fields, college and university athletic fields and even for the professional spots teams.
Turf-Tec Toma Shear Strength Tester is an excellent tool for testing cleats for football, soccer, baseball, softball, lacrosse, rugby, volleyball, natural and artificial surfaces.
Use the new Turf-Tec Toma Shear Strength Tester to be sure your players are wearing the right cleat for that field. Take the guess work out of choosing the correct cleat and let science determine the best choice. Excellent for testing
The desired length cleats are inserted into the Turf-Tec Toma Shear Strength Tester. |
The Turf-Tec Toma Shear Strength Tester is then inserted into the playing field surface. The tool is turned and a reading is taken from the gauge on top of the Turf-Tec Toma Shear Strength Tester. |
The readings produced by the Turf-Tec Toma Shear Strength Tester can be compared from one field to another to determine which cleats are going to produce the same feel and playability as your home practice fields. Just imagine your players going through a game without the worry of excessive slipping or the need to change their cleats during a game, loosing playing time. |
*The Turf-Tec Toma Shear Strength Tester was inspired by the legendary pro bowl, super bowl, Olympics and world cup soccer professional grounds keeper, George Toma who generously allowed us the use his name on the tool.
TShear1-M - Turf-Tec Toma Shear Strength Tester
1471 Capital Circle NW, Suite # 13
Tallahassee, FL. 32303
Order Line (800) 258-7477
Phone (850) 580-4026
Fax (850) 580-4027
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