The Year In Review - Travels of John Mascaro
Page 39
September - December 2008
The below photo's are a photo journal for my website visitors to enjoy. I have been fortunate to have been able to travel from time to time and with each trip, I photograph turfgrass conditions that I encounter. I will continue this forum and add to the photo's (and of course soil profile samples) as I continue to travel from place to place.
In September 2008, I went to Seminole Golf Course in Tallahassee, Florida and conducted a partial water audit on one green. Doug Abbuhl is Superintendent at the course. | Here is a soil profile sample taken from one of the greens at Seminole Golf Course. The greens were re-built to USGA specifications a couple years ago and have ultradwarf bermudagrass. The Sample is extracted with the Mascaro Profile Sampler. |
Here are the Precipitation / Uniformity Gauges set up on the golf green in a head to head arrangement to check the amount of water being applied as well as the uniformity of the irrigation coverage. | The irrigation system is turned on for fifteen minutes then the amount in each Precipitation / Uniformity Gauge is measured and recorded. |
I also want to Doak Campbell Stadium at Florida State University and also conducted a partial water audit. Brian Donaway is Sports Turf Manager at the stadium. | This time at FSU we set up the Precipitation / Uniformity Gauges in a grid pattern and ran the irrigation system for fifteen minutes. |
We also took a soil profile sample the FSU stadium field to examine the soil and any layering that might be present. The Sample is extracted with the Mascaro Profile Sampler. | In addition to the soil profile, we used the Turf-Tec Moisture Sensor to see how much water was in the turf rootzone at one inch increments from one to four inches deep. |
Also with the partial water audit at FSU, we took a fifteen minute infiltration reading with the Turf-Tec Infiltrometer. | By comparing the amount of water delivered by the irrigation system with the amount of water infiltrating into the soil, you can adjust your irrigation to properly apply the correct amount of water. |
Doak Campbell Stadium at Florida State University had a good infiltration rate as well as a almost perfect uniformity in the irrigation system. | November of 2008 we also held a North Florida Sports Turf Managers meeting at Lake City Community College in Lake City, Florida. |
Bruce Witt is an instructor at Lake City Community College and a certified water auditor assisted in giving some pointer to the group on performing water audits. | Here are the Precipitation / Uniformity Gauges being used in showing some steps in performing a water audit. |
More photos on next page |
Here is the maintenance classroom at Lake City Community College. In addition to training mechanics for turf related jobs, the school also requires future superintendents and Sports Turf Manager to take come mechanics classes on turf equipment. |
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