The Turf-Tec Tubular Soil Sampler with Adjustable Foot extracts a core sample at various depths up to 12 inches deep by 3/4 inches wide. Durable, all welded stainless-steel designed sample tube is made in the USA and has an plated steel adjustable foot that allows soil samples to be extracted from the ground with the click of one button.
Soil samples can be taken at the following seven preset depths for nutrient analysis:
2 cm deep
4 cm deep
6 cm deep
4 inch deep
6 inch deep
8 inch deep
12 inch deep
The Turf-Tec Tubular Soil Sampler with Adjustable Foot is a stainless steel sampler that allows for easy, uniform insertion into the soil and consistent sample depth collection. Stainless design allows for laboratory analysis of clean soil samples.
The Tubular Soil Sampler with Adjustable Foot is excellent for extracting soil samples for laboratory analysis and several samples can be collected before sliding off the adjustable depth foot and placing the samples in sample bags.
The specially designed cutting tip is ideal for turfgrass rootzones.
The 2,4 and 6 cm depths are ideal for taking soil samples for organic matter analysis on golf greens and sports fields. The Turf-Tec Tubular Soil Sampler with Adjustable Foot is first adjusted to the 0-2 cm setting and five soil samples are collected at that depth. Next the foot is removed, and the soil samples are placed into a sample bag. Then the sampler is adjusted to the 2-4 cm depth and those samples are collected from the same sample locations and the process is repeated for the 4-6 cm depth. These specific depth samples can be sent to a soil analysis laboratory and the organic mater percentages can be easily identified.
